* Front Cover
* Notice of 2022 annual meeting of shareholders
* Table of contents
* Proxy statement summary
+ Company overview
+ 2021 performance
+ Long-term performance
+ Corporate governance highlights
+ Sustainability
+ Shareholder engagement
+ Roadmap of voting items
* Corporate governance
+ Proposal 1 - Election of directors
+ Board of directors - selection, skills and experience
+ Board leadership structure
+ Board practices, policies and processes
+ Compensation of directors
+ Sustainability
+ Public policy engagement and political participation
+ Shareholder engagement
* Executive compensation
+ Proposal 2 - Advisory vote on executive compensation
+ Compensation discussion and analysis
+ Compensation Committee report
+ Executive compensation tables
+ CEO pay ratio
* Audit matters
+ Proposal 3 - Ratification of selection of independent auditors
+ Independent auditor fees
+ Audit Committee’s pre-approval policies
and procedures
+ Audit Committee report
* Information about stock ownership
+ Security ownership of certain beneficial owners
and management
+ Equity compensation plan information
* Voting and meeting information
+ Purpose of annual meeting
+ Virtual annual meeting
+ Voting information
+ Proxy solicitation and distribution
* Submitting 2023 proposals
+ SEC Rule 14a-8
+ Advance notice bylaw
+ Proxy access nominations
* Appendix A
+ Reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP financial measures
* Back Cover